Recently, was reading an article and came across a thought, which I thought truly deserved a further raking .It said, we throw farewell parties when someone quits the company, when students pass out, an employee retires(temporary parting), but when it comes to bid farewell to our very own existence, the thing that takes the blame of being unfair to hide our cowardice , our life, we are hardly given a chance, to bid a moment's farewell to the dear ones in our lives. We would say life is unfair, isn’t it?( oh!! I can already hear some long sighs, implicitly stating, when has it been??).
Death is a serious topic. The smiles vanish, and the faces are dabbed with serious maturity, when discussion tends to incline towards the subject.
Whenever I thought of death, there were certain weird things that flooded my thoughts. Here is one. What is that thing, or image, or thought, or memory, that comes to the mind of the man, who knows he is here for seconds? Does he, hasten to look around, glance at as many things as possible, not certain of what next, or would he be scared to death about death and unwillingly surrender to the inevitable with horror dabbed on his face?? Will he think of his life, a life, which represented him to his very core right from the beginning? Or would that be a series of snaps from the memory, unfolding in front of his eyes and, he would look at it his own life like a movie, when he is close to the end?? Would it be the frantic efforts to save oneself from the engulfing death, until the realization dawns upon, that there is no escape? Or would those be moments, may not be with the closest ones, but the strangers, with whom we had only a few interactions, but the ones which bore profound influence on your soul, like kindness of a stranger when nobody you relied on turned up, or like sharing your meal with someone hungry, both ending up half full, but smiled at each other with a smile, whose image remained unblurred through the passage of time?? A sigh here and a sigh there, and thinking life had not been so bad after all. In fact it was good. There would be redemptions, there would be regrets, but it would mean we have the courage to share the responsibility, for the wrong doing and, the very realization, is the life’s greatest gift to all those who live it. These days, when I am up in the morning, I ask myself can I find the moments that would touch my naked soul deep down its layers, and engrave themselves on the pages of my soul, so that, I can have a diary of a life, of my life lived. So, I am at it people, finding those moments, which would make up a nice movie, that would keep me involved when he says pause, and finding right moments are absolutely a requirement, cause I don’t think we will have an option of popcorn n coke:)