Sunday, December 30, 2012

A tale of love

The sand on the seashore, sits like a snow white.
Waiting for her prince charming to come and hug her tight.
Waving at her, with his arms wide open there comes her knight,
Embracing her, he tenderly whispers in her ears, I will be back love, take care, alright.

As he retreats, he takes her with him.
Towards him, remains fixed her gaze
Towards her, is always his race
Ah!! what a tale of love,
They meet, they depart, but they reign each others heart.


  1. Awesomest personification of love, that i have ever read..!!!

  2. Lovely :) Its really an art to make even the normal things to look so extraordinary.. Very well done :)

  3. That was a compliment!!! Thank you :))
